Monday, January 27, 2020

The Case Of Gondar City Administration Tourism Essay

The Case Of Gondar City Administration Tourism Essay With its historic heritage, cultural diversity, and urban vitality, Istanbul has significant potential upon which creativity and cultural industries could flourish. This paper examines the current structure of three cultural industries in Istanbul from a spatial perspective. These sectors are arts and culture festivals, the film industry, and the fashion design industry. This study attempts to define and measure cultural industries in Gondar city. It starts with a discussion of the definition and delineation of the term cultural industries, arguing that a large range of goods services can be considered culture industry products that it is important to place the production and exchange of such products in the context of an industrial systems approach. The concept is then operationalized using the city data on employment and the activity of firms. The aim of this paper is to assess and analyze the provision of cultural industries and its contribution to the Gondar city administration economy in terms of employment. The main focus of the study is cultural industries especially performing art activities in the town. To this result, the practice of cultural industries, stakeholders participation, the existing rules and regulation will be examined. While a variety of definitions of the term cultural industries have been suggested, this paper will use the definition suggested by UNESCO (see is based on the notion that cultural industries add value to contents and generate values for individuals and societies. They are knowledge and labor intensive, create employment and wealth, nurture creativity-the raw material they are made from-,and foster innovation in production and commercialization processes. At the same time, cultural industries are central in promoting and maintaining cultural diversity and in ensuring democratic access to culture. This twofold nature-both cultural and economic-builds up a distinctive profile for cultural industries. The main questions/issues addressed in this paper are: What is the existing condition of cultural industries in Gondar town ? What are the contribution of cultural industries on the economy in terms of employment? What are the needs and threats of cultural practitioners? What are the challenges of the municipality in the provision and management of cultural industries? What solutions are needed? What options exist for cultural industries provision and management? To attain this, descriptive survey research method will be working based upon primary and secondary data gathering and interviews with stakeholders and responsible government officials. Finally, the study is believed to be a new input, since there has been no research on this area especially for this city. Acronyms UNESCO US UK TV Statement of the problem There is debate about how to define corruption; thus, it is important to define it thoroughly from the outset to determine what use the definitions play in our understanding of the phenomenon. In the new global economy, X has become a central issue for In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in This paper will focus on/examine/give an account of This paper seeks to address the following questions: This essay critically examines/discusses/traces The purpose of this paper is to review recent research into the This paper will review the research conducted on In this paper I argue that.. This chapter reviews the literature concerning the usefulness of using The aim of this paper is to determine/examine The aim of this study was to evaluate and validate Defining or establishing what keywords mean in your work: While a variety of definitions of the term X have been suggested, this paper w definition first suggested by Smith (1968) who saw it as. Throughout this paper the term X will refer to/will be used to refer to. In this article the acronym/abbreviation XYZ will be used. .; to identify the current challenges and opportunities of cultural industries, and to assess the existing rules, laws and regulation of cultural industries; and also to recommend necessary policy intervention measures that could be helpful for this areas. CHAPTER ONE Introduction Background of the Study In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the place of culture in the economy. In recent years government and regional authorities in the Ethiopia countries have begun to take seriously the idea of cultural activities being crucial components of their economies in need of industrial support and development. The role of culture in the functioning and development of Ethiopian economies has become an increasingly popular topic for both researchers and policymakers alike. In particular, there has been a growing awareness in recent years that cultural industries such as film, music and the media are increasingly important and vibrant parts of many countries economiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦../unpublished/ This paper argues that cultural industries sector is an area of the global economy where SIDS enjoy some comparative advantage in production and where there is a window of opportunity given the rise of the digital economy and the increasing commercialization of the arts. The view is that cultural industries may offer more sustainable development options since they draw on the creativity and enterprise of local artists and communities. It is also argued that the cultural industries play a dual role in that it is an economic sector with growth potential and an arena for identity formation. The paper identifies ways in which SIDS can benefit from the increased commercialization of the arts and cultural industries. The paper will also outline the main challenges and opportunities for SIDS in the global cultural economy as well as give broad recommendations by drawing on the experience of the Caribbean. The term cultural industries encompasses a wide variety of co modified activities, including the mass media, film, art, design, music and architecture. There effects are important to national economies in terms of their impacts on trade, employment levels (Casey, Dunlop, and Selwood 1996: European commission 1999: Europian union 2000: Greffe 1997: Pratt 1997b) industrial ownership and investment patterns of consumption. This study starts by discussing some of the definitional problems that characterize research on cultural industries. Using a broad definition of cultural industries understood as an industrial or production system (pratt 1997b), I then analyze stastical data on the levels of employment and the activity of firms in Gondar cultural industries b/n 1994 and 1995. This study investigates cultural industries as both a concept and reality in the context of Gondar. I show that although cultural industries are not the most important economic activities in the Gondar economy, they represent a significant and fast growing area with some distinctive characteristics. Globalization bring modernization. Modernization has positive and negative impact. One of its negative impact have a tendency to destroy local creativity and dominated local peoples to foreign culture and attitude. Local cultural goods if properly packaged and marketed could play an important role in economic system. Many aspects of culture, particularly in the area of dance, music and arts have influenced active industries around the world. But the ability to package cultural activities into marketable goods that can penetrate global markets is a big challenges for countries. Even local markets have not been fully exploited. A major challenges has been the ability to mobilize the creativity of people and exploit them for growth and development. Ethiopia recognizes the role of culture and tourism in development and has national policies on culture and tourism which aims at promoting cultural activities. What the reforms have failed to do is to effectively link culture with business so as to build a sustainable industry. The objective of this paper is focusing on the trends and issues of cultural industries in Gondr city administration. After introducing some concepts about the study area, the paper reviewed different literatures concerning the issue understudy. The research methodology that the paper adopted is also included. In addition to this data presentation and analysis is part of this paper. Finally the researcher winds the paper up by concluding the whole parts of it and giving possible recommendation for the gaps which are researched. 1.2 Statements of problem Ethiopia has her own culture and identity. This culture and identity face a big challenge due to globalization. Local creativity has definitely been minimized by the nature of technological changes and the structural shift in economies, particularly in most productive activities. To be competitive in a globalizing world Ethiopia must promote her cultural economy. This is also true to Gondar city administration. This is still very weak despite the enormous resources available in the country as well as the city. There is a need to assess the value of the arts and culture in the economy. We have to know what the sector looks like and what products and services are involved. Who are the stakeholders in the sector and also what are the elements of the cultural economy in the city are one focus of this studies. Besides what are the challenges to the cultural economy and what is the marketing structure of the sector also other concern areas. 1.3 Objectives of the Study 1.3.1 General Objective The general objective of the study is to assess and analyze the provision of cultural industries and its role for employment opportunities in Gondar city administration . 1.3.2 Specific Objectives Describe cultural industries role for employment opportunities in Gondar city administration . Identify the existing conditions of cultural industries in the Gondar city administration . Describe the current challenges and opportunities of cultural industries in the Gondar city administration . Assess the rules, laws and regulation of cultural industries in the Gondar city administration . Recommend necessary policy intervention measures that could be helpful for Gondar city administration and other similar areas. 1.4 Research Questions What is the existing condition of cultural industries in Gondar town ? What are the impacts of cultural industries on the economy? What are the needs and threats of cultural practitioners? What are the challenges of the municipality in the provision and management of cultural industries? What solutions are needed? What options exist for cultural industries provision and management? 1.5. Significance of the Study The study will enables the researcher to have introduce overview of the existing situations of cultural industries for comprehensive understanding. The study will have a contribution to the community, private investor, local authorities and planners to give proper attention for the multifunction and benefits of cultural industries. It can also some policy indications that are helpful for municipal government and planner to consider as part of their overall town planning ingredients. It will also fill the knowledge gap that exist because there is no study on cultural industries in Gondar. Furthermore, this study serves as a reference for other researchers who are interested in conducting studies on this issue. 1.6. Scope of the Study The study is delimited spatially in the Gondar city administration which is found in the Amhara regional state. The key concerns of the study is examining the status of cultural industries and explaining factors that challenge for the provision of the issue. Besides the impact of cultural industries on the economy of the town is discussed in this paper. Furthermore, based on the indications and results of the study feasible strategies will be recommended to resolve the problem. 1.7 Description of the study area Gondar city administration is a city in Amhara national regional state of Ethiopia. And located on the Southern shore of Lake Tana and the source of the Blue Nile (Abay) river. The city is sited 567km north-west of Addis Ababa along Addis Ababa- Dejen- Debremarkos-Bure road and 465km Addis Ababa-Dejen-Motta road. Gondar city administration currently structured as a metropolitan city including 9 city kebles, 4 adjacent rural kebeles and 3 satellite towns(Meshenti, Zeghie and Tis Abay). The city has a latitude and longitude of 110 38 N and 370 15 E and an elevation of 1840m above sea-level (BDIDP, 2006). Its location at this spot favors the city with many and multifaceted opportunities like water resource (Lake and River), suitable topography, favorable climate to live. Based on figures issued by the central statistical agency in 2007, the city has an estimated total population of 230,344 of whom 107,578 males and 112,766 females (CSA, 2007). CHAPTER TWO 2. Literature Review culture is different from society to society. Even though, cultural activities vary from society to society, they have the same economic impact. So that, in this part the paper tries to utilize different literatures, which are very relevant for the study like the existing situations, socio-economic benefits, challenges and opportunities and policies and strategies related to art, culture and cultural industries extensively by reviewing from the works of different authors. 2.1 Theoretical and conceptual Frame work 2.1.1 The concept of cultural industries The term cultural or creative industries describes the economic activities of artists, arts enterprises and cultural entrepreneurs, for-profit as well as not-for-profit, in the production, distribution and consumption of film, television, literature, music, theatre, dance, visual arts, masquerade, broadcasting, multimedia, animation, fashion and so on. The sector is not just a commercial arena, it is a symbolic and social space where spiritual values, psychic meaning and bodily pleasures are displayed, enacted and represented. From this perspective the cultural/creative industries play a dual role: they are an important area for investment in the new knowledge economy and a means of bolstering spiritual values and cultural identity. This is why UNESCO recommends that countries should maximize potential economic contribution as well as facilitate national, regional and world dissemination of endogenous cultural creativity. /www.caricomorg/index.php?options=com-docmantask/ For the purpose of this study we use the term cultural industries to describe the activities of cultural entrepreneurs and arts enterprises, for-profit as well as not-for-profit in the production, distribution and consumption of film, television, books, music, theatre, dance, visual arts, multimedia, animation, fashion and so on. The concept of cultural industries comprises all enterprises and self-employed persons whose economic activities focus on the production, dissemination and intermediation of artistic and cultural products or services. In other words: all subsectors and market segments that are related to culture in a wide sense, e.g. music industry, publishing industry, arts, film industry etc. This embraces individual artistic ideas or original works of art, products of the applied arts, the trade of art works and products of popular culture, even the dissemination of cultural goods and services through the mass media. / In terms of industry definition, the cultural goods and services involve creativity in their production, embody some degree of intellectual property and convey symbolic meaning. (David Throsby,2001) Cultural products are goods and services that include the arts (performing arts, visual arts, architecture), heritage conservation (museums, galleries, libraries), the cultural industries (written media, broadcasting, film, recording), and festivals. UNESCO has declared that these products are not like other forms of merchandise.( The production, distribution, exhibition and preservation of cultural products can be a source of inspiration and creativity for cultural industries, generating considerable income and employment fuelled by the growing demand for cultural goods and services in an expanding marketplace. Many businesses today, small, medium and large, create wealth using the forms and materials of traditional cultures. Local cooperatives have been formed in some countries to produce and market handmade crafts, textiles that employ traditional designs, audio recordings of traditional music, pharmaceuticals that use indigenous knowledge of healing plants. Trade in cultural products can contribute to the quality of life in the places they are produced, and can enhance the image and prestige of the local area. Some cultural products can also play an important role in community food security, nutrition and health. Their benefits are relatively more important for poorer households, women and disadvantaged groups. Sadly, the commercialization of cultural products has often not benefited the countries of origin, particularly in the fields of music, film, video production, visual arts, crafts and performing arts and dance. And despite their economic potential, most cultural products are hardly researched and rarely feature in national economic statistics. / 2.1.2 Creative Industries and Development Globally, creative industries are estimated to account for more than 7 per cent of the worlds gross domestic product and are forecast to grow, on average, by 10 per cent a year. While the economic and employment-generating potential of these industries is vast and many developing and transition countries have great potential in this area, most are still marginal players, despite their rich cultural heritage and an inexhaustible pool of talent. That position reflects a combination of domestic policy weaknesses and global systemic biases. Ongoing research has emphasized the potential of these industries in developing countries. Creativity, more than labour and capital, or even traditional technologies, is deeply embedded in every countrys cultural context. Excellence in artistic expression, abundance of talent, and openness to new influences and experimentation are not the privilege of rich countries. With effective nurturing, these sources of creativity can open up new opportunities f or developing countries to increase their shares of world trade and to leap-frog into new areas of wealth creation. ( 2.1.3 cultural industries in urban regeneration and regional growth Throsby noted that the importance of the arts in the economic life of the city and as a means for urban regeneration was first recognized several decades ago. More recently, interest has widened to embrace broader issue of the urban cultural fabric, community values and the prospects for re-thinking urban design along environmentally and culturally sensitive lines. Culture is importantly implicated in the process of urban development. At least four non-mutually-exclusive roles for culture in the life of cities can be observed. First, a specific cultural facility may comprise on its own a significant cultural symbol or attraction affecting the urban economy. Second, a cultural district may act as a node for development in the local area. Third, the cultural industries, especially the performing arts, may constitute a vital component of a citys economy. Fourth, culture may have a more pervasive role in urban development through the fostering of community identity, creativity, cohesion and vitality, via the cultural characteristics and practices which define the city and its inhabitants. (Throsby 2001, p.124) With in this context the concept of cultural capital is a useful way of depicting the place of culture in the urban setting. Heritage buildings, cultural institutions, facilities such as theatres, concert halls, crafts workshops, artists studios and so on can all be seen as capital assets, and the People who produce cultural goods and services in these facilities-actors, musicians, craftspeople, writers, technicians, designers, administrators and many others- all contribute to the generation of economic and cultural value over time. (Throsby 2001, p.126) 2.1.4 cultural industries/economy in Ethiopia Ethiopia is an ancient country with a rich cultural heritage which includes both tangible and non tangible assets, centuries old handicraft production, an exceptional variety of ceremonies, festivals, celebrations and rituals, as well as eight cultural and natural heritage sites registered on the on UNESCOs World Heritage list. Given its rich cultural heritage and having emerged as the most stable country in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopias potential for economic growth through tourism is highly underutilized. The abundant supply of labor is a potential resource for development with little requirement for investment, in particular in regards to handicrafts and other arts that require intensive manual labor. The government has expressed its desire to improve management of the major cultural sites and the promotion of Tourism as a source of income and sustainable development. Centuries old local industries are at risk by the lack of cultural status assigned to bearers of cultural traditions within society, as well as traditionally low prices, which translate into low incentives to learn the trade, putting at risk the national cultural heritage. Population pressures together with environmental degradation, poverty and global warming endanger Ethiopias natural and cultural heritage. Indigenous knowledge and practi ces need to be safeguarded from globalization. History of cultural homogenization, together with a pressure for modernization, have undermined the value of cultural diversity. / In spite of existing legal instruments, such as the recently enacted intellectual property laws can create and enabling environment, Ethiopia does not have a policy framework to guide the development of the cultural industry, and its instruments do not yet incorporate indigenous knowledge and natural heritage management traditions. The lack of comprehensive laws and policies, as well as poor enforcement and implementation of existing policies and regulatory frameworks, in part due to lack of capacity and public awareness, has resulted in a poor institutional framework. Although most products are original and functional, there is no standardization, which would allow them to compete in the international market. Additionally, there are no market linkages between producers and traders, with agents retaining a good share of the profit. Further to income loss this translates into low specialization and the inability to respond to market demand. Poor coordination leads to lack of integrati on and synergies, while efforts of stakeholders become fragmented and possibly duplicated. / 2.1.5 challenges and opportunities of cultural industries The challenges facing the creative industries are different from those posed to the traditional goods sector. Firstly, intellectual property protection and commercialization is a top priority. The creative industries cannot survive in the marketplace without adequate protection from copyright infringement. Without such protection cultural entrepreneurs would be at the mercy of piracy, bootlegging, counterfeiting and other forms of infringement such as unlicensed broadcasting. Secondly, research and development must be placed higher on the agenda. In the cultural industries research and development means investment in human and creative capital. This is a critical area as the cultural industries start with creativity and it accounts for a large share of investment in the sector. Lastly, marketing and branding are crucial because audience loyalty is difficult to build and predict. With the rise of the digital and Internet economy there is a tendency to underestimate the level of the challenge of introducing new and alternative genres into the world market for creative goods and services. Ultimately, the issue that arises for developing country regions is whether they will be able to develop the expertise along with the distribution infrastructure and marketing savvy to tap into the growth potential of the rising creative sector. One of the main challenges in penetrating the international market is that of introducing new and alternative art forms and genres in global, regional and national markets that are increasingly saturated with content from the main cultural exporters (e.g. the US, UK and India). Participating in these markets is not just a matter of building competitiveness it also calls for changing consumer tastes and lifestyles, which is requires heavy, capital-intensive marketing and alliances with global firms. The countries of the region are also faced with a number of challenges that are associated with small and peripheral economies such as weak management and inadequate information systems, shortage of skilled personnel, low levels of training, poor manufacturing and service facilities, uncompetitive packaging and branding, weak marketing and distribution channels, high levels of copyright infringement and piracy and weak rights management and royalties collections. There also tends to be an historical, institutional and commercial bias against indigenous content in the home market that marginalizes and limits local entrepreneurship, investment and market development. The key opportunities relate to changes like rising domestic cultural content in developing countries, the growth of Diaspora markets and networks, the increasing interest in authenticity and indigenous culture in the tourism industry, cost reductions in new digital technologies, the growth of global media (e.g. cable TV, satellite radio, Internet), and the emergence of Internet marketing and broadcasting. In this context existing strategies for ensuring competitiveness and sustainable development are inadequate. It is against this backdrop that recommendations for developing the potential of the cultural industries through the application of industrial, trade and innovation policies must be made. /www.caricomorg/index.php?options=com-docmantask/ Chapter -3 3. Research Design and Methodology 3.1. Research design To make the data valid and up to date and to arrive at reliable findings, the researcher applying the field and desk surveying method and then collects various types of data related to the study under consideration. Review of available literature and documents, collection and analysis of both primary and secondary data will be carried out. Interviews and discussions with relevant officials of the government and stakeholders will be also held. Relevant documents, journals, reports, books, newspapers, project reports, etc used as a source of information. 3. 1. 1 The types of research The study categorizes descriptive types of research and will carry out by quantitative research that can produce quantifiable numerical data. 3.1.2. Source of the data The researcher used both primary and secondary source of data to gather accurate and reliable information. 3.1.3. Data collection techniques To gather the reliable information, the researcher will use the following data instruments. Those are: Questionnaire, Interview, and Field observation. 3.1.4. Sampling Design The researcher distributes the Questionnaire for the stakeholders who are dwellers of the town and practice on cultural activities. The sample size will decide after actual observation done on cultural activities practitioners. 3.1.5. Sampling Technique: The researcher use both probability and non-probability sampling technique in collecting the information. From non-probability sampling the researcher use purposive (judgmental sampling). He uses his judgment to choose or pick only those who best meet the purpose of the study. From the probability sampling the researcher use stratified random sampling method to make the inclusive and to get data from different subject population 3.1.6 Limitation of the study Financial and time constraints will be the main challenges of this research study. Moreover, during the time of data collection, the study may face different problems such as unwillingness of the respondents and informants. Finally, the study will be challenged by lack of organized data which are relevant to the study. 4. CONCLUSION Misunderstanding of the impact of cultural industries on the economy system will be a challenge in Sub-Saharan African countries including Ethiopia even though the level and impact of cultural industries in creation of job vary from city to city. Hence, the general objective of the study will be to assess and analyze the impact of cultural industries on Gondar city administration economy, and to come up with possible solution to improve the existing problems. To substantiate the study, cultural industries related literatures are reviewed. To conduct the study both primary and secondary data will be obtained and analyzed. The primary data will be collected through questionnaires and structured interview and the collected data will be analyzed using descriptive methods of data analysis and will be presented with the help of tables graphs, figures and charts. Finally, based on the findings, possible recommendations will be drawn to improve the role of cultural industries on the economy of Gondar city administration city.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Service Marketing Management

TITLE PAGE Subject:   Ã‚  Ã‚  MKT8003 Service Marketing Management Assignment 1 (Individual assignment) Title of Assignment:   Ã‚  Ã‚   Marketing Audit Report – Camp Five Sdn Bhd Total Word Count   Ã‚  :  Ã‚  Ã‚   2000 words Date of Submission:  Ã‚  Ã‚   31 August 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This marketing audit report is prepared for Camp Five to indicate how the organization is currently performing in their service level. The report is prepared based on secondary data gathered from reliable sources which is available online.In this report the background of Camp Five climbing gym is explained to understand the current internal resources and capabilities in its preparedness for servicing their target customer in Malaysia local market. The finding of issue status as, overall and major issues of the company as below, Overall Camp Five are current in high-end customer focus and in fact the majority of regular climbers are not in the high-end categories. Although the facility and technology is excellent advance compare to others competitors, the price of service has clearly show it is unaffordable to the middle class, therefore that is lack of daily head counts.The major problem is lacking of promotion, Camp Five current uses the strategy of word-of-mouth, as per research 100% of interviewee get the know Camp Five as from friends-to-friends referral only, many other promotions shall be implemented as to improve on the performance will be shown in TOW analysis in this assignment. TITLE PAGE Contents TITLE PAGE1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2 1. 0 PURPOSE OF REPORT4 2. 0 THE INTRODUCTION4 3. 0 TARGET CUSTOMER7 4. 0 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS8 5. 0 INTERNAL ANALYSIS12 6. 0Service Quality Analysis13 7. 0 SWOT ANALYSIS16 8. 0 TOW17 9. 0 CONCLUSION19 10. 0 LIST OF REFERANCE19 1 APENDIX –SURVEY FORM21 How Do You Rate Your Climbing? 22 1. 0 PURPOSE OF REPORT (222words) This is a continuous of audit report of Camp Five Sdn Bhd, The purpose of this report is to present the ser vice quality from organization perspective and customer perspective point of view in delivering and receiving the service in service marketing aspect. The elements covers include the internal & external analysis of organization, gap between the customer's perception and expectation. Those factors will influence on to the organization and its services from the gym toward the end consumer directly or indirectly.It is to help the organization to understand more about their customer and positive of new customer. Same time the current marketing promotion plan must be implementing in an effective way on it services quality ; reach the company targeted headcount for the gym. Scope of report, this report will cover the analysis in phase one, the sources of the report is based on some level of internet resources, but mostly is from interview with customers and my friends as the employee which is working in the company as manger positions.The recommendation of this service marketing audit wil l be done in phase two of the following of this report. The monitoring of service will be from time to time based and this marketing service audit report accuracy credibility will remain valid for the next six month period. 2. 0 THE INTRODUCTION – OVERVIEW OF THE SERVICE ORGANIZATION (335words) 2. 1 Brief Background Camp Five is a place provides training and a place for training, working out and meets new friends. It is facilitated with climbing wall, cafe, Pro shop, high technology shower, kid place area and inspectorial training programs.Training program is designed for children, beginners, leisure and advance climber or people can come for Yoga classes too. The climbing gym is operating under Switzerland management. The wall was built by climbing wall BLOCX Sdn Bhd, which is the partnership company with Camp Five, Blocx's current major project are building and developing rock climbing wall around Asia region, they head quarter is located in Oberwil Switzerland, the other o ffice is located New Mexico America, Colombia South America and Shah Alam Malaysia.Camp Five Sdn Bhd started its operation since 2005 in Malaysia, located inside famous landmark shopping center of Kuala Lumpur – The One Utama Shopping Complex. The internal gym's environment is housed in 10m high air-conditioned glass tower, a-state-of-the-art climbing facility inside a shopping center, next to major business suite like TV3 and IBM office, Hotel, colleges and international schools like KDU and KBU, hotel and the high end household area.For first time customer, it is a must to join the climbing class they need to pass on climber safety examination and If you are first time in this gym customer need to pass personal climbing skill testing section is needed before customer are able to check-in and use for the service. 2. 2 The Service Blue Print The steps of servicing process of Camp Five has provided as per below (Regular Customer) Regular Customer Steps of Blueprint – Ca mp Five |Step 1| Customer Arrived to gym | Step 8| Interact with friends ; start to climb| Step 2| Registration | Step 9| Trainer provide training| Step 3| Check in, payment and rental of gears | Step 10| Customer received training| Step 4| Collect entrance fee and drop the member card | Step 11| Take beg from lock, shower and change attire| Step 5| Updates system with payment | Step 12| Return the member card ; collect rented gears| Step 6| Change attire and keep beg at locker| Step 13| Collect member card and process check out| Step 7| Put on climbing gears| Step 14| Customer leaving the gym|The servicing blueprint of Camp Five has provided as per below (Regular ; New customers) It is content with 14 steps of service blueprint for regular and new customers with the service supports, support process, back stage, on stage and customer action show. 2. 3 The Marketing Mix 7’Ps According to Kotabe and Helsen (2011, p332) companies can pursue three global strategies to penetrate foreign market, which is product extension, product adaptation and product invention.THE MARKETING MIX FOR CAMP FIVE SERVICES | Product | Climbing gym, Yoga class, Climbing training, Corporate team building, Sales of climbing gear, Rental of gear| Place | Outlet location- Gym center| Promotion | Membership fees discount, Training course discount, Selected item discount via Internet, Face-to-face, Facebook. | Pricing | High price for per entry; Average price for membership 3 month-1 year. People | Student, Professional climber, Leisure climber, Working Adult, House wife, Children, Trainer| Physical Evidence | Innovative design, Well maintain of climbing equipment, Tidy uniform, Membership cards, Clean and advance washroom. | Processes| From they enter the gym to exiting the gym. Fast payment process, Paid before entered, Simple check in process, High customer involvement, Well of training flows. | 3. 0 TARGET CUSTOMER (116words) The type of target customer is sports oriented they may be experience climber, leisure climber and explorer.This is Malaysian or non-Malaysia, working, living and studying within 15km from Bandar Utama area, male 50% and female 50% with the minimum earning of salary RM4000 to RM20,000 with some western culture background. Camp Five's targeted customer can be separated into the following groups, 1. Student 2. Foreign Resident 1. Working Adult 1. Corporate & School Group| Description| 1| Student| Majority are from 15-25 years old, young male and female. Foreign students who follow their family came and living in Malaysia or coming in alone with the purpose of further educations.As financial supported by their parents with background mostly associated with high-end society, therefore cultural is more open to adventure sports with more buying power for entertainment good. | 2| Foreign Resident| Work migration under the foreign resident, coming in and working here as temporary for certain project for 1-5 years, with very high income on averag e at lease RM 20,000 or more per month. Seeking for high quality lifestyle with high purchasing power, Caucasian or Asia came from high-technology's country. 3| Working Adult | Locate Malaysian customer, working, living or studying around Petaling Jaya or KL area. In average a working person with personal income of minimum RM4000, male or female with high education level, outgoing personality and like sport. | 4| Corporate ; School| Group customer is those will like to come for as a company or schools event targeted for corporate team building function is not a routine activity. | Table 3a In the hierarchy of effect model, customer was visit to this gym are experiential influence on behavior. Affect – Behavior – Cognitive.First come from their feeling want to try this climbing experience, and then they took action to climb lastly learning process. 4. 0 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS 4. 1 PESTAL ANALYSIS OF CAMP FIVE (290words) A PESTEL Analysis of Camp Five Sdn Bhd, this model is d esigned measure on the macro-environment could effect on the organization. Includes with Political, Economic, Social, Technical Environmental and Legal issue, on average social issue carries the most weight in the climbing gym industrial, due to it is an experiential goods and services. Factor| Includes:|Political| Change trading rules, tax, change in government. | Economic| Interest rates, exchange rates, national income, inflation| Social| Ageing population, attitudes to work, income distribution, customer taste, education levels, migration flow and working hours of customer| Technological| Innovation, new product development, rate of technological obsolescence, safety drinking water system, online advertising| Environmental| Reduce use of paper, encourage cotton towel, global warming, environmental issues| Legal| e. g. competition law, health and safety, employment law, business law| Table 4aDETAIL OF PESTEL ANALYSIS IN CHART | Political Factors| Change in trading rules, Camp Fiv e it is owe by a Sweden Company may influence the business trading terms. Tax, the rate will change in rock climbing product and equipment, all climbing equipment is imported good. If government is not stable company may re-locate in the investment in other part of SE Asia. | Economy Factors| Exchange rates will influence of company income, because company HQ is in Europe. National incomes and unemployment rate, determinate customer willingness to spend on leisure product like gym servicing.Inflation rate will influence on the wages of staff and operation expense, exchange rate of equipment, due to the product are all imported, when Euro and Dollar price down. | Social Factors| Customer change in taste in switching of interest in this gym, aging of society, if this city gets older than the target group (aged of 14-45) will the target customer group will get smaller. Education and income level increases, people tent to concern more with health issue and increase in working-out in gym . If working hours increase the number member able to visit at week days will decrease.Migration flows increases; our customer will increase, and due to climbing sport is more popular in foreign country. | Technology Factors| The uses and for sales climbing devices and equipment is important product in our Pro-Shop, and the technology being use to with in the gym, free Wi-Fi connection, fully air-conditions, high technology shower systems, water filler give customer with a confinable gym environment as well as the auto- belaying device, customer can still climb while waiting for their buddies arrived. | Legal Factors| Climbing environment is designed with anti-fire and safety pat material and cushions.It is always monitored by instruction eying around. Safety training and handbook ensure all customers understand the safety rules in the climbing gym and rules of use climbing equipment. Employment rules follow as per Malaysia government guideline in employment handbook. Camp Five appl y Malaysia Law system where the mother company from Sweden applies EU law. | Environmental Factors| Encourage customer and staff reduces on use of plastic water bottom and encouraging drinking in refilled directly from pipe, recycle bin services is provided. Encourage customer to use cotton towel in the gym and cafe instant of paper.Weather change, determines people likeness to climbing indoor or outdoor the day and the location, easy access to gym. | Table 4b 4. 2 Porter Five Forces of Macro Environmental Analysis The use for porter five forces analysis is the measure the threat within the competitor and business. The key rating system have been applied as per following, Key Rating System (1. Very Poor, 2. Poor, 3. Neutral, 4. Good, 5. Very Good) The Rating System Porter 5 Forces of Camp Five| 5 Forces| Camp Five| Cyberjaya Adventure | Mad Monkey| 1. Existing rivalry | 3| 3| 2| 2. New entering | 3| 2| 1| . B. P of Buyer| 5| 3| 3| 4. Threat Substitute| 5| 3| 2| 5. B. P of Suppliers | 3| 4| 2| Total| 19| 15| 10| | | | | | Rating System: very poor-1 ; very good- 5 | Table 4b The detail of Porter Five Forces will be explained as per below chart (4c) Porter's Five Forces of Competitive Position | | | | | | | 2. New entering | | | Medium there is the only gym within 20km from the resident, technology is in way advance than other, due to the built cost is high, but competitor can built in cheaper gym with lower cost. | | 5. Bargaining Power of Supplier | | | | 3.Bargaining Power of Buyer | | | 1. Existing Rivalry | | | Medium, the product has substitutes and minimal switching costs, which result in low competitive pressures in the supply side. | | | at the medium stage, although the quality and service is very good but there is still many customer prefer to go for low price choice lead to high degree of differentiation, therefore can be competitive. | | Buyer low stage the high end customer will preferred to purchase with receiving the best quality of service than s witching to look for other alternative. | | | | | | | 4.Threat Substitute | | | Low level, as the product is similar but the quality of facility and lifestyle is unlikely to be change by it taste. | | Table 4c 4. 3 Industry Analysis Due to this is a experiential goods in terms of economy and political will influence on change in it price, the long run of bargaining power with buyer and supplier are at every low risk, only seeing the possibility of new gym within this area can be compete with Camp Five but the possibility is still low, high chance of customer may lost interest and less visiting, due to friends, time of work and other reason. . 4 Customer Analysis The collection of data from customer analysis is conducted in face-to-face interview and survey format, it is target to understand the customer needs and current marketing trends towards satisfaction measuring in the climbing gym environment by service provided located with Klang Valley area. 4. 5 Competitor Analysis Major c ompetitor rock climbing gym within Malaysia, provided climbing service to rock climber, will be cyberjaya adventure center in Cyber Jaya, MadMonkey indoor bouldering center in Wangsa Maju, Shah Alam outdoor adventure in Shah Alam and The factory climbing gym in Subang Jaya. They provide service like top-rope climbing, bouldering wall, travels walls and lead wall climbing, however only Camp Five and Cyber Jaya Adventure was able to provide all the service in one center. The price as quality show as below, 5. 0 INTERNAL ANALYSIS 5. 1 Resource Competency Analysis The uniqueness of Camp Five has believed in providing the best environment and the best service in Asia, with high quality level of modern lifestyle and beauty of sports.And all employees in any position and time are responsible to customer safety first, staff must take action to help and remain ensuring the individual safeness in climbing environment. 5. 2 Share Holders Analysis The matrix below shown in table below is applie d to show the internal and external stakeholders that have direct or indirect impact on the growth of the business. | Importance of stakeholder | | High | Low | Influence of stakeholder | High | Key group | Silent group | | | Partners | Government – Ministry of Environment | | | Management, | | | Shareholders |   | | | New investor |   | | Low | Vocal Group | Irrelevant group | | | Employees | Individual customers | | | Marketing teams | Contractor | | | Agents, | Cleaner | | | Distributors |   | Table 5a– Stakeholder Analysis | The key groups are partners, management, other shareholders and new investor. The customer groups are the key to the survival of the business. The faster the target market will turn into royal customer, gym can sustain and growth in its business operation and provides in positive growth. 5. Performance Analysis Current the sales of the organization is the low head count especially in low season like long public holiday times, although we have a big number of members but however they are non-actives, the targeted market share of customer group has not been achieved, overall survive on the long term membership customer which sign up for 6month-1 years membership. That could count on average of 40% of total business. The others revenue are selling on climbing equipment, team building outdoor projects for groups and climb pays per entrance. . 0Service Quality Analysis (298words) To measure the service quality of Camp Five I have provided the analysis based on face-to-face survey with interviewee with purchasing experience in Camp Five Climbing Gym, the analysis result show as below. (The full version of service survey form is reference in the appendix) The SERQUAL Model analysis will based on question 3-15 only, show as per below, SERQUAL Model of Service Survey Q| Survey Questions | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| Q being answers| Total score| No. f Interviewee| Means| 1| First time to this gym|   | 60|   |   |   | 600| n/a| 60 | n/a| 2| How do you know this Gym|   | 60|   |   |   | 600| n/a| 60| n/a| Rate you overall experience (Scoring System data are serve for the GAP analysis)| 3| Were you server – Courteous? (If No-1, Yes- 5)| |   |   |   | 60| 60| 300| 60| 5| 4| Were you server -Informative? (If No-1, Yes -5)| 20|   |   |   | 40| 60| 260| 60| 3. 7| 5| Rate of total expectation |   |   |   | 60|   | 60| 240| 60| 4| 6| Staff helpfulness |   |   | 10| 40| 10| 60| 240| 60| 4| 7| The price of entrance fees| 20| 10| 20| 10|   | 60| 140| 60| 2. | 8| The attribute of the gym |   |   | 10| 40| 10| 60| 240| 60| 4| 9| Varieties of climb|   |   | 10| 40| 10| 60| 240| 60| 4| 10| Convenience of this location|   |   |   | 40| 20| 60| 260| 60| 4. 3| 11| Clean |   |   | 10| 20| 30| 60| 260| 60| 4. 3| 12| Environment safety|   |   |   | 40| 20| 60| 260| 60| 4. 3| 13| Training experience |   | 10|   | 10|   | 20| 60| 60| 3| 14| Quality gear for rent |   | 10| 20| 10|   | 40| 120| 60| 4| 15| Rate over climb experience|   |   |   | 50| 10| 60| 250| 60| 4. 2| Personal particulars | 16| Gender| 20| 40|   | 60| The details of this survey are provided in survey form on appendix at last page of this report. 17| Age|   |   | 20| 30| 10| 60| | 18| Monthly Income group |   |   |   | 50| 10| 60| | 19| Frequency of visiting| 40|   | 10| 10|   | 60| | 20| Plan to join membership | 30| 10|   |   |   | 40| | 21| Already member? | 30| 30|   |   |   | 60| | 21A| Which member plan? | 10|   |   | 10| 10| 30| | Table 6a As per the rating system and survey 100% of customer gets to know about this gym by friends’ referral, as per survey the promotion is not strange enough in its attraction to new walk in customer. QUOTA SAMPLING QUOTA SAMPLING | Race | No. Survey | % | Chinese | Male | 8| 13%| Female | 12| 20%| Malay | Male | 5| 8%| | Female | 5| 8%| Indian | Male | 2| 3%| | Female | 2| 3%| Forigner | Male | 13| 22%| | Female | 13| 22%| Total | 60| 100%| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Table 6b| | | | As per quota sampling analysis shows that the 34%Chinese, 16% Malay, 6% Indian and 44% Foreigner participant in the survey analysis. Overall customer were being serve courteous in scoring at the highest at 5, and the price of entrance fees score at the lowest at 2. only. Interpreted the staff has a good relationship and treated customer as very important, but however the price is disappointing from customer's point of view. GAP ANALYSIS CUSTOMER PERCEPTION ; EXPECTATION ANALYSIS | Provider Gap | Customer Expectation | Customer Perception | GAP | Listening Gap | 4 | 3 | (1)| Service Design and Standards Gap | 4 | 4 | 0 | Service Performance Gap | 4 | 1 | (3)| Communication Gap | 5 | 5 | 0 | Total| 17| 13| -4| | | | | | Dis-confirmation GAP: Low-1, High-5 | Table 6c – Disconfirmat ion GapAs Disconfirmation model, as in the GAP model table shows in total of -4 dis confirmation Gap between customer perception and expectations. Overall they score the highest gap -3 of performance gap, operation staff need to improves on its service performance skills in term of the cleanness of toilet, change in water filler, repairing of rental climbing equipment, quality of training and redesign the current price package. The communication and listening wish is very good scored at 0 gap means the customer is very satisfied with the current communication service of employee. . 0 SWOT ANALYSIS (242words) As per chart, show CAMP FIVE has more advantage in strengths and opportunity as compare to the weakness and treats; it has shown a positive growth in the future. The further explanation will be shown as below. Strengths | Weakness | High in technology | To pricy | Strong employee capital | High operation expensive | Largest climbing gym in Asia | Limit to a small customer group from interests | Convenience of location |   | Good environment |   | Opportunity | Treats    | Expend to new customer via more promotion | Product substitution |Give FOC test climb section and tight-up promote | Change of customer taste | Tight up with government | Low season | International and locate competition |   | Table 7a SWOT ANALYSIS IN DETAILS | Strengths| The strengths of Camp five they provides high technologies in wall climbing technologies following the latest and most up-dated as Europe standard, they’re the largest gym also the best climbing in Malaysia, further Malaysia Climbing Campion is working under Camp Five, all others is also professional certified training by UIAA. They are 10,000 square feet with located inside a shopping hall, gives customer all connivances, right in the middle of city. | Weakness| Price is too high for medium end climber or either some student which have time to come as compare to the others gym is about 25-40% higher than other like PutraJaya adventure and Mad Monkey gym, although they does not have the same location advantage. High operation cost, due to the rental, hiring of employee with design maintain and operating, they also have small customer group with attracted to this sports. Opportunity| Customer group can be increase into varies of group including, student, working, employee and government, open new market, increase in brand royalty and awareness. Increase in open competition number of event for member’s link with international, tight up with UIAA| Treats| Customer may change in interest of climbing, low season people prefer going for holiday, change location to climb. | Table 7b 8. 0 TOW TOWS (50words)A TOW Analysis to the advance of SWOT to specific the elements of service marketing address Intangibility, perishability, co-production, customer contact people, physical evidence using â€Å"Strength and Opportunity†, â€Å"Weaknesses and Opportunity†, â€Å"Strengt h and Threat†, lastly â€Å"Weaknesses and Threat (WT)† exhibiting as per followings. | INTERNAL STRENGTHS | INTERNAL WEAKNESS | | 1. High in technology 2. Strong employee capital 3. Largest climbing gym in Asia 4. Convenience of location 5. Good environment | 1. To pricy 2. High operation expensive 3.Limit to a small customer group from interests | EXTERNAL OPPRTUNITIES | SO: STRATEGIES | WO: STRATEGIES | 1. Give FOC test climb section and tight-up promote 2. Tight up with government 3. International and locate competition | 1. Increase on marketing tight up with government project. 2. Tight up with more international competition host in Camp 5 3. Create more events and create awareness through press and news. 4. Get free climb section with event tight up with mall. 5. Advertise in Asia Climbing magazine. | 1. Re-structure the price 2.Increase the sales volume after to co-operate rate, eg. IBM, One World Hotel staff and tourist discount rate, increase customer group. 3 . Promote in tourism Malaysia. 4. Reduces on the use on electricity saving operation cost. 5. Attract external customer to try rock climbing | EXTERNAL THREAT | ST: STRATEGIES | WT: STRATEGIES | 1. Product substitution 2. Change of customer taste 3. Low season | 1. Increase in brand royalty 2. Arrange more activity to get member together again 3. Give special promotion at low season/ week days . Target more office people and encourage them to come after office hours. | 1. Avoid too much promotion rules in joining the membership 2. Promote friends-friends or buy one get one member free to crease interest of new members. 3. Let people enjoy this place more than other gym 4. Promote gym member switching discount or give 3 hours free personal training. | Table 8a Strength and Opportunity (SO) – By increase project from different dimension, attract more opportunity and take advantage of the good location.Increase events example: in 2006 the World Cup Europe climber from UIAA atten ds to climbing during preparation for competition includes with national climbing team from Italy, France, Austria, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, and Germany etc. Weaknesses and Opportunity (WO) – Make adjustment to the price and open up new market group like one world hotel tourist discount or business discount, VISA card member promotions, one-card member test climb section, promote the selling hardness in Point-to point exchange gift credit card promotion.Strength and Threat (ST) – Use event to increase the brand royalty to passed , current and future customers. Target more people from the office around the gym to come, make road show to promote the gym and facilities. Weaknesses and Threat (WT) – Try to make the promotion easy for customer to purchase try to avoid many Purchase to Purchase rules, try to give customer benefit able and interesting, when the headcount reaches the target (set a target) than cut of the special promotion and keep the regular promo tion just to keep the royalty customers. 9. 0 CONCLUSION (215words)This report concludes that Camp Five is good place to youth people to work-out and meet new friends, Camp Five has the great quality and it is very suitable for the Malaysian marketing in it expansion. However in total they are lack of awareness, as rock climbing is still a very new sport for Malaysia as compare to the west, therefore promotion is an essential. Overall customer has a good rating with the service provided by Camp Five but however due to the other competitor in the marketing has some influence on customer perspective therefore the building the brand and royalty customer with in the climbing network is important.Customer overall has a high interest in rock climbing and I can see they are quite royal to the interest, but due to the most majority of climbing is in the low-middle end, rating of customer the price over is too high and not expectable by most long term climber, they will prefer to seek for ot her alternative to climb although the location may not be as convenience. Camp Five should take customer in as lower price and get more royalty customer, focus on headcount is not important, however the suggestion for Camp Five will be presented in phase 2 of the assignment. 0. 0 LIST OF REFERANCE Company Research 1. Camp Five Sdn Bhd 2012, viewed 31 July 2012, ;http://camp5. com/; 2. BLOCX Sdn Bhd 2012, viewed 30 July 2012, ;http://www. blocx. com/projects/camp5. html ; 3. Alpine 2012, viewed 2 Aug 2012, ;http://amga. com/programs/alpine_AGE. php; 4. UIAA 2012, viewed 21Aug2012, ;www. theuiaa. org/; PESTEL Analysis 5. PESTEL analysis of the macro-environment by Oxford University Press. 2007, viewed 31 Jul 2012, ;http://www. oup. com/uk/orc/bin/9780199296378/01student/additional/page_12. htm; 6.PESTLE analysis history and application by CIPD. Retrieved Nov 2010, viewed 30 Jul 2012, ; http://rapidbi. com/the-pestle-analysis-tool/; Blue Print 7. Kotler,P,Brown, L, Adams,S ; Armstrong, G2004, Marketing, 6th edn, Pearson Education, Australia 8. Shostack, GL 1992, ‘Understanding services through blueprinting’, in T Swartz, D Brown ; S Brown(eds), Advances in services marketing and management, vol. 1,JAI Press, 9. Greenwich, CT, pp. 75-90. 10. Dr C. Thomas Oliva(2012), Basic blueprint reading and sketching 50 th edn, Thomas Delmar. 11.Newell Frederich(1926), customer relationship management in the new era of internal marketing, New York, London: McGraw-Hill, 2000 12. Valarie A. Zeithaml, Mary Jo Bitner and Dawayne Gremler (2008), Service Marketing Integrating customer focus across the firm 5th ed. Service Marketing 13. Christopher Lovelock and Jochen Wirtz (2011), Services Marketing – People, Technology, Strategy. 7th ed. , Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Porter’s Model 14. Chapman, A 2004-2009, Porter’s Five Forces Model, BusinessBalls. com, Leicester, England, viewed 19 August 2011, ;http://www. usinessballs. com/por tersfiveforcesofcompetition. htm; Others 15. CIA 2012, The worldfact book, viewed 10 Aug 2012, ;https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook; 16. Konopka, G. (1973) â€Å"Requirements for Healthy Development of Adolescent Youth†, Adolescence. VIII(31), p. 24. 17. Thomas, A. (2003) â€Å"Psychology of Adolescents†, Self-Concept, Weight Issues and Body Image in Children and Adolescents, p. 88 11 APENDIX –SURVEY FORM A survey forms has attach as the result outcome of interview with Camp Five’s customer. CAMP 5 THE LARGEST IN ASIA How Do You Rate Your Climbing?We are committed to providing you with the best climbing experience possible, so we welcome your comments. Please fill out this questionnaire and place it in the box in our check-out reception counter. Thank you! Are you a first time coming to this climbing gym? YesNo How do you know about this climbing gym? AdsReferralOnline/LearnOthers Website from Vision Please specify: _____________ _____ * * How do rate the total expectation with us, please rate as per below†¦. The reliability of the staff 12345 DisappointingExceptional The willingness the staff – Helpfulness or friendliness 12345DisappointingExceptional Was you serve†¦ Courteous? Informative? YesNoYesNo The price of entrance fees. 12345 DisappointingExceptional The attribute of the gym – Does the climbing level fits you? 12345 DisappointingExceptional Your favorite climbing level is ________________ (FRANCH or USA) Is there enough variety of climb. 12345 DisappointingExceptional Please rate the connivance of this location? 12345 DisappointingExceptional CAMP 5 THE LARGEST IN ASIA How Do You Rate Your Climbing? We are committed to providing you with the best climbing experience possible, so we welcome your comments.Please fill out this questionnaire and place it in the box in our check-out reception counter. Thank you! Are you a first time coming to this climbing gym? YesNo How do you k now about this climbing gym? AdsReferralOnline/LearnOthers Website from Vision Please specify: __________________ * * How do rate the total expectation with us, please rate as per below†¦. The reliability of the staff 12345 DisappointingExceptional The willingness the staff – Helpfulness or friendliness 12345 DisappointingExceptional Was you serve†¦ Courteous? Informative? YesNoYesNo The price of entrance fees. 12345DisappointingExceptional The attribute of the gym – Does the climbing level fits you? 12345 DisappointingExceptional Your favorite climbing level is ________________ (FRANCH or USA) Is there enough variety of climb. 12345 DisappointingExceptional Please rate the connivance of this location? 12345 DisappointingExceptional Was our gym clean? 12345 DisappointingExceptional Safety of environment and climbing area? * * 12345 * Disappointing Exceptional Please rate your overall training experience. (If any) 12345 DisappointingExceptional Name of course ______________________ Please rate the quality of gears. If any) 12345 DisappointingExceptional Please rate your overall climbing experience. 12345 DisappointingExceptional Personal particulars Please be assure as this particular will only be analysis on a positive bases as for the profiling and not for individual use, be assure those details will not be use for another purpose. Gender Male Female Age 15 and 15-20 21-3031-4040 and Below More Monthly Income Student 20002000- 4001- 6000 or No Income or lower 4000 6000 higher How frequently do you visit our gym? -5 times per month 1-2 times per month Once every 2 months Other Do you plan to join to our gym’s membership? Yes No You already have the membership? Yes No ? 10pass 3mths6mths12mths 12mths (Prepaid) (Installment) Was our gym clean? 12345 DisappointingExceptional Safety of environment and climbing area? * * 12345 * Disappointing Exceptional Please rate your overall training experience. (If any) 12345 DisappointingExce ptional Name of course ______________________ Please rate the quality of gears. (If any) 12345DisappointingExceptional Please rate your overall climbing experience. 12345 DisappointingExceptional Personal particulars Please be assure as this particular will only be analysis on a positive bases as for the profiling and not for individual use, be assure those details will not be use for another purpose. Gender Male Female Age 15 and 15-20 21-3031-4040 and Below More Monthly Income Student 20002000- 4001- 6000 or No Income or lower 4000 6000 higher How frequently do you visit our gym? -5 times per month 1-2 times per month Once every 2 months Other Do you plan to join to our gym’s membership? Yes No You already have the membership? Yes No ? 10pass 3mths6mths12mths 12mths (Prepaid) (Installment) * Would you recommend our climbing gym to a friend? Why, or why not? * How might we have made it more memorable to you? What training course did you taken? How is your experience? ( if any) * Please share any additional comments or suggestions. Camp 5 Climbing Gym Camp Five Sdn bhd EZ501, 5th Floor, 1 Utama Shopping CentreBandar Utama, 47800, Selangor, Malaysia Phone (603) 77260420/410 Fax (603) 77260210 http://www. camp5. com [email  protected] com * Would you recommend our climbing gym to a friend? Why, or why not? * How might we have made it more memorable to you? What training course did you taken? How is your experience? ( if any) * Please share any additional comments or suggestions. Camp 5 Climbing Gym Camp Five Sdn bhd EZ501, 5th Floor, 1 Utama Shopping Centre Bandar Utama, 47800, Selangor, Malaysia Phone (603) 77260420/410 Fax (603) 77260210 http://www. camp5. com [email  protected] com

Friday, January 10, 2020

Bruces 10 Principles Essay

Discuss how Bruce’s (2005) Ten Principles of Early Childhood Practise have influenced the Core Value Statements for the Early Childhood Care and Education Sector in Ireland. This essay is going to discuss the main links between Tina Bruce’s Ten Bedrock Principles and the core value statement for the early childhood education sector in Ireland. I have chosen three of Tina Bruce’s principles to look at. This essay is going to show how these have influenced three of the core values for the early childhood education sector. In Bruce’s bedrock principles, the first of the ten states: â€Å"The best way to prepare children for their adult life is to give them what they need as children.† The core value statement for early childhood care and education states that, â€Å"Childhood in its own right.† Looking at both statements it can be seen how Bruce has influenced the core value statement. In Bruce’s, all three pioneers of early childhood practise Frobel, Montessori and Steiner say that childhood should not just be used for children simply to get ready for adult life. All three believed that childhood is important in its own right. â€Å"Childhood is a state to be protected and allowed develop without damage in a specially prepared environment.†(Bruce pp18) Childhood is a period when the basic fundamentals of life are introduced. Bruner used a spiral curriculum to teach children the basic of things that could be thought in more depth when the child is older. Bruner stressed that the early childhood practitioner should be preparing children for later learning and knowledge. Childhood is a stage in its own right but it also provides a foundation of knowledge for children to build upon and enter adulthood well prepared. Number four of Bruce’s principles is  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Children learn best when they are given appropriate responsibility, allowed to experiment, make errors, decisions and choices, and are respected autonomous learners. This is repeated in the core values: â€Å"Experiences and activities which support learning and allow children to actively explore, to experience, to make choices and decisions and to share  in the learning process.†Ã‚  Both statements think the child should be seen as an active learner. Children should be encouraged to explore their environment and experiment with objects. Children should also be encouraged to make decisions and share the responsibility of the learning process. â€Å"Frobel, Montessori and Steiner agreed that children are self- motivating. There is no need for adults to find ways of motivating them.† (Bruce pp22) Montessori saw the importance of self direction in children. She used a prepared environment to encourage self chosen tasks. Piaget believed that children should have self regulation in their own learning. As children explore what they already know and can then use what they know to help understand something new. Children should be allowed initiated learning at times and other times the learning should be adult led. The job of the early childhood practitioner is to know when a child is struggling and to give them some help. The early childhood practitioner should be mindful not to take over the situation entirely. Principle: Relationships with other people (both adults and children) are of central importance in a child’s life, influencing emotional and social well being. Core Value: Values parents, guardians and family as the child’s primary source of well being. In comparison there is little difference in the principle and core value they both see relationships with other people of importance to the child’s well being. Steiner saw the importance of interaction with other adults and children because the child takes in the moral atmosphere gave out by these people. Mothers were the first educators in a child’s life in Froebel’s eyes. He believed children first learned in the home then school. He saw adults as helpers in children’s learning unlike Montessori, who saw adults including parents as a threat to children’s freedom. Frobel also saw the wider community as helping the child’s well being. The interaction with other children by playing helps the child’s state of well being by allowing them to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and morally. This essay has looked at how Tina Bruce’s Ten Bedrock Principles have influenced the core value statements in Ireland. It has shown that even though the wording may differ in both, they both see the child as being an active learner and having the right to make decisions and errors. All learning in the early childhood care and education sector in Ireland should be child centred. Both the core value statement and Bruce’s ten principles see others including parents, guardians and family as helping the child’s well being. References: Bruce T. (2005) Early Childhood Education (3rd ed.), London: Hodder & Stoughton. Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform (2002) Quality Childcare and Lifelong Learning: Model Framework for Education, Training and Professional Development in the Early Childhood Care and Education Sector, Dublin: The Stationery Office

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Book Thief Macbeth Comparison - 1656 Words

Macbeth amp; The Book Thief: A Comparison between Ambition present in the Novels In comparing Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Zusak’s Book Thief, though the books deal with different time eras, characters and even language styles, there are some striking similarities between the themes in both novels. The themes are evident throughout both novels, these themes give a better understanding of the author’s message he wants to portray to his audience. Both books show ambition effectively in many situations. In Macbeth we see how far one man will go to see a goal accomplished and achieve his ultimatum. In the Book Thief we witness a girl with the ambition to learn how to read, and she will do anything to ensure she keeps learning. Ambition is†¦show more content†¦Liesel is ambitious in other ways as well, when her family gets a new visitor, a Jewish man named Max. It is her goal to figure out everything she can about Max. Eventually they become very close and end up revealing secrets to each other and comfort each other through the good an d bad times. (Part 4, Pg 220 Ln 6). Liesel will do anything to keep her goal alive even if that means rebelling against the morals she was raised with. The power of ambition can cause even the most harmless person to act out in obscured ways. In Macbeth, it is a goal driven by spite that causes a man to act out in an unpredictable way. The full potential of spite and revenge driven by ambition is witnessed after a family and father are murdered in cold blood. If you want something you will go after it, however if you add spite and revenge to the mix you will desire the outcome of your goal even more. After Macbeth kills Duncan and on top of that orders the brutal slaughter of Macduff’s wife and kid, there are two men stricken with grief and vow revenge. Malcolm has raised an army in England and he along with Macduff go to Scottland to challenge Macbeth’s forces. Macduff wants justice for what happened to his kids and wife he takes actions into his own hands â€Å"my s word [†¦] unbatter’d edge† the ambition behind his spite is so strongShow MoreRelatedEssay on Images, Imagery, Symbols, and Symbolism in Macbeth1723 Words   |  7 Pagesand Symbolism in Macbeth  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   With its eye-opening plot and interesting cast of characters, William Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth is one of the greatest works one could ever read. But, above all, the aspect of the play is most impressive and overwhelming with imagery and symbolism that Shakespeare so brilliantly uses. Throughout the play, the author depicts various types of imagery and symbolism instances that, eventually, lead to the downfall of the main character, Macbeth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Read MoreMacbeth Research Paper2300 Words   |  10 Pagesleads him down the path to perform wicked deeds that ultimately lead to his demise. Throughout the play of Macbeth, Shakespeare utilizes many forms of imagery. Some forms of imagery are shown through the character’s appearance in clothing, light and darkness and blood imagery. The most dominant form of imagery in the play is expressed through the clothing worn by the characters. In Macbeth, a play written by William Shakespeare, Shakespeare utilizes imagery of clothing and equivocation to demonstrateRead MoreOthello V.’S. Macbeth: Battle of Tragedy Essays2458 Words   |  10 PagesIn Shakespeare’s plays Othello and Macbeth the audience is presented with two great heroes who both poses a certain character flaw that inevitably leads to their downfall. This is the idea behind a tragic hero; a person of great importance comes to a tragic end because of a serious fl aw in his character. Both Othello and Macbeth find themselves on top of the world one moment and being crushed beneath it the next. The next logical comparison to make between two of Shakespeare’s tragic heroes is whoRead More evilmac Macbeths Evil Aspect Essay4023 Words   |  17 PagesMacbeths Evil Aspect      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Macbeth by William Shakespeare rrepresents unrelenting evil from beginning to end. Who is th emost evil? What motivates the evil intentions and actions? This paper intends to answer these questions.    Charles Lamb in On the Tragedies of Shakespeare explains the impact of evil as seen in Macbeths initial murder:    The state of sublime emotion into which we are elevated by those images of night and horror which Macbeth is made to utter, that solemn prelude